Taking Care of Polished Concrete Floors

The world of construction is being updated day by day. With the help of various new methods introduced in the modern days, there is something new for every house. The polished concrete floors are the latest hip fashion in the world of construction.

These types of floor can be found in a variety of patterns, colors, and types. Of course, there are different types of processes taken up to make it more appealing, the use of these floors has drastically changed the way of establishments, offices and homes look like.

Why make use of polished concrete floors?

Polished concrete is when your existing concrete floor is ground down using diamond polishing pads that create a smooth and shiny surface. Epoxy floor installation is when layers of epoxy are coated over your concrete, creating a stronger and more durable surface. Read more about Polished Concrete Vs. Epoxy Floors.

Here are some reasons that will help you to know why this polished concrete is getting so much popularity in the modern days:

  • These help you to get a better look.
  • These types of floors are very safe, and hard to skid on.
  • The option of polished concrete floors is sustainable, as these last for years.


How to take care of polished concrete floors?

Although getting the polished concrete floors is easy, the real trouble arises when you do not know how to take care of it. If you’re wondering how to take care of your floors, here are some pointers for you:

  • Make use of the right materials: When you’re trying to keep your floors to look as good as new, the choice of cleaning materials plays an important role. Taking care of polished concrete floors can be easy if you use the cleaning materials that are specifically made for taking care of your floor. Furthermore, there are many companies that offer various kinds of options and types of cleaning supplies to make your job easy and complete by your own!
  • Polishing compounds: It is quite common for your polished concrete floors to lose its shine with time. Over the years, the wear and tear may appear on the floor. When that happens, you can always get a polishing compound to polish your floor after every few years to keep the shine intact. You can take the help of the professionals in this case to get the best result. The professionals use various tricks and materials to bring back the shine of the polish on the concrete and make its appearance like new again.


Other helpful methods to keep your polished concrete floors looking great

There are some essential tips that you can follow to take care of the floor on a regular basis.

  • You should always use a micro-fiber cloth to clean the floors. Other types of cloths can leave microscopic scratches, which will not only accumulate filth but will grow with time.
  • You should always keep your floors clean. Every time you drop or spill something, you should wipe it off right then and there, because something can leave a stain.
  • Making use of ammonia, bleaches, citrus cleaners, pine-based cleaners, and vinegar could harm your polished concrete floors, as they are not pH neutral cleaners and& can discolor it.
  • Whenever you are washing your floors, you should use clean water and clean mops. Making use of the dirty ones will only make your floors dirtier than before.
  • According to experts, the floors should be renewed once in every couple of years. The point is that it costs less and takes even lesser time to re-polish the floor every two years in comparison to a longer period.

With the above-mentioned tips in mind, it must be remembered that whenever you need re-polishing, you should get professionals to help you out. Typically, if your flooring provider offers you the service apart from installing the floors, then you should call them.

About the author: Mark Simon is a flooring expert and also writer of Home Décor and Home Improvements. Mark is inspired about different types of flooring like Epoxy Flooring, Polished Concrete Flooring and many more. Find a guide about polished concrete floors and its services click here.

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