Why Do We Need Commercial Electricians and What Are Their Responsibilities

Seamless electrical supply is the need of the hour, almost every equipment that we use is driven by electricity, so we need to ensure no glitches in the electrical flow. For the electrical and electronic devices to work efficiently, every house has a designated electrician at work. The question of commercial buildings and the responsibility for their electrical work has fascinated the engineer in all of us.

If you have ever mistakenly landed on the basement of an office building or a shopping mall, you may have caught a glimpse of the electrical wiring that goes on that floor. That is the work of a commercial electrician and his team. Now, who is a commercial electrician, and how come they have such demand in today’s world?

The business conducted by a commercial electrician is much wider in scope than that of a regular electrician. This article will understand a commercial electrician’s business and their responsibilities, which will help us differentiate between their job and a regular electrician’s job.

Commercial Electricians – Who Are They?

Commercial electricians are ones who work in high scale buildings of the commercial scale. If we had to simply explain their job in a few words, they are the engineers who look after the electrical wirings and power supplies over a large scale of area that is commercially used by people. Some examples of such commercial places are shopping malls, office buildings, government buildings, restaurants, and residential complexes.

The wirings in a commercial building are far more complex than the wiring system of a singular household. Moreover, the wattage and power supply are also different, and hence, it needs a more meticulous electrician. Usually, there is a team of electricians working under a commercial electrician. The commercial electrician assesses the building’s plan and lays down the details of the wiring systems developed by the electricians working under him.

After the construction and installation, the same team looks after the wiring system’s condition in a commercial building by conducting regular check-ups from time to time. The main difference between an electrician and a commercial electrician is that a commercial electrician requires a wider range of skills. He works in far more stressful conditions over large areas.

Business Of A Commercial Electrician

Commercial electricians usually have their firms with a team of professionals working under them. This team is thoroughly trained by the person who heads the project that the company gets. Besides, a commercial electrician will require a degree in engineering or a vocational course in an electrician program. Besides, an apprenticeship under a commercial electrician goes a long way as it equips an aspiring commercial electrician with practical knowledge.

The demand for commercial electricians is on the rise as many commercial buildings are built all around us. This also a good career choice, especially for those who want to pick up certain vocational skills. The average salary of a commercial electrician is around $47,000. As one gains experience, their pay rises and can reach a maximum of $61,000. All commercial electricians need a license before they can take up large scale projects in commercial buildings.

Their projected job growth is estimated to be 10% for all commercial electricians all over the world. A regular electrician can aim to be a commercial electrician with an up gradation in their knowledge, skills, and license.


If you are looking to take up a commercial electrician’s career, make sure to study electrical engineering or take a vocational course that prepares you for the job description. The demand for such professionals is constantly increasing, and with the right skill set and experience, one can make a good career as a commercial electrician.

For knowing more, please visit Lovelyhomestory.com.

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